Hypnotic and The Black Demon (shark movie)

Hey everyone I know this is not the regular good movies I do but I was really trying to like these movies that others didn't like also. You know when you think a film is going to be great and by the end, it spins out of control into a confusing mess. It starts out as a simple detective mystery then ends up like something off of a Basic and The Matrix combination. Those are the only 2 films I could compare this to. It leads you on a wild goose chase the whole film and right when you are getting excited about the film it just really goes south. There are not really any spiritual aspects to it. It just seems like Robert Rodriguez who did Dusk till dawn and Planet Terror really didn't know how to fix the confusing script. It is good but it seems like it doesn't really end. Watch at your own risk. It will seem like a good film but it will take you somewhere else after. It also seems like a false heaven in the protagonist's he...