Brian Banks

Here is my Hulu review. Out now on Hulu is the inspirational film about Brian Banks, a once high school hopeful for the NFL who had his whole life taken away because of the accusations of one person. This is a very powerful and moving film about integrity and determination. He is accused of rape by someone while he is in high school but he is innocent. He does nothing and goes to prison for something he didn't do and then he has to fight for his life in order to make himself free. He seeks help from the Innocent Project and they help him take the steps to be free. This is an amazing film which features determination, courage and an element in life to never give up. Yes he did receive help but without his determination and will to fight for his innocence, he would still be either in prison or a registered sex offender. I would recommend this film to anyone who loves sports films and inspirational films. I give it a 3 and 1/2 Karate Chops....