This review is very late and long overdue but I thought I would still do it now to let you know my opinion of this film It is a masterpiece. It may be a front-runner for the Best Picture Oscar. It follows the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer. This follows the nomination of Colonel Strauss who is up for a cabinet position at the White House. Through various interviews, it shows the history of Oppenheimer and his rise to become the Director of operations at the Los Almos army base which was part of the Manhattan Project and eventually developing an atomic bomb. The one aspect I really enjoyed was the regret of what he had done. He also wanted to support the Manhattan Project because of what Hitler had done to the Jewish people in Europe because his family was Jewish and wanted to support them. But he sometimes lacked the moral compass and the right attitude of what to do in life. He cheated on his wife and couldn't let go of a...