Violent Night and Willies wonderland


Hello everyone!  I hope all of you had a great Christmas and a happy new year.  Well for the new year, I thought I would start with a review of Violent night.  It is an homage to Die Hard and Santa Clause in a fun action film that came out during Christmas.  

It follows the normal Christmas movie Schtick with families wanting to get together for Christmas, and families trying to suck up to their mother who is very wealthy.  But it all goes wrong when kidnappers show up looking for some money that had been hidden away in secret.  It is a fun and very violent and gruesome Christmas film.  If you don't like watching Die Hard, you won't like this film.  There are many Die Hard references, It has an absurd amount of language and it is very violent.  

I wouldn't recommend this for families who don't have an open mind about this film or if you don't regularly watch R-rated films, don't watch this film.  I thought it was great and it has symbolism near the end of the film which you could take for Santa Claus or Christ. It will have to be up to you to determine whether if you like it or not.  It is also a story about redemption, an evil man becomes Santa Clause to make up for the sins of his past.  Kind of like how Christ gives us a second chance.  We should always strive to treat people the way we want to be treated no matter what happens to us.  This maybe an action film but it has elements of symbolism if you really look for it.  I love Die Hard so I love this one too but with a disclaimer for families on the content in the film.  

Now this is a film I watched awhile back but I just thought I would write a review on it now.  It takes place when Nicolas Cage's character drives over police spikes while entering a small town.  The only way he can pay for the repairs is to spend the night in Willy's Wonderland and if he survives the night then they will fix his vehicle.  

He reluctantly stays and decides to see what will happen.  This film is like a Friday Night at Freddy's film.  The animatronics are supposedly inhabited by the souls of cult members who stayed at Willy's Wonderland one night.  Well, Cage tries cleaning the place up and drinks energy drinks to stay up so he can get his car the next day.  Then the animatronics start roaming around the building.  Then a group of twenty-somethings decide to show up at the building also.  It seems it would have been better if they didn't show up in the film but I guess they needed a body count to keep the film rolling.  So of course some members of the group decide to fool around while in the place and it leads to many kills.  But it doesn't take away from the performance Nicholas Cage has and how he becomes the killer of these animatronics who have killed countless people who came through the town.  

It is a simple short film that can get your adrenaline running when you watch it.  I wouldn't reccomend for families but anyone who wants a thrill ride this maybe the film for you.  It has a sex scene which is unnecessary but the rest of the film is cool.  It is mainly a film for those of us who like creature features, and action flicks.  It isn't a great film but if you take it for what it is you may really enjoy it.  

I am going to try to write more reviews, more frequently just haven't really felt like writing them recently.  I would appreciate your support and a share and a like would be appreciated.  Take Care everyone and see you at the moves. 



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