The map of the tiny perfect things

 Hello everyone sorry I have been on a hiatus but I just really needed sometime to find myself and fix what I can in my life.  Alright back to the movies.  The film is called The map of the tiny perfect things and it is online only on Amazon Video.  This film was referred to me by a friend and I can't say enough about it.  

This film takes place at a middle America small town like most of us live in but with a boy whose day keeps repeating like the film Groundhog Day with Bill Murray.  But the catch in this film the boy is in High school dealing with all of the high school boy problems.  Then he meets a girl who is having the same thing everyday.  What you might think happens, does then chaos ensues.  This film is a masterpiece!  It is the best Amazon released film since I saw since 8th grade which was also released by Amazon studios also. 

It is a much needed art at this current time in history.  It is a much needed film to what love really is and where it should go for all of us.  The film gives you a perspective on our lives and if they are really meaningless.  We are here for a reason but we just don't know what that reason is and we need to seek God for that.  As it the film says "I just want it to mean something."  I think we all need out lives to mean something to have a purpose to make a difference in someone  else's life.  

I know that many of us are asking what the meaning of life?  This is something that we all struggle with.  We all need to find our purpose and wakeup and smell the coffee to what life is all about.  I have not seen anything like it.  This deals with how girls can be afraid of commitment when their lives are upside down and they feel vulnerable.  The characters have to deal with their own selfishness and what they can do for others instead of themselves.  

The New York times called it "A Groundhog Day for teenagers."  And I would agree, it reminds me a film called Safety No Guaranteed from 2012, Garden State, Groundhog Day and Say Anything.  These films have a romantic aspect to them but there is some sort of coming of age or self realization in the story.  

One thing I will tell you I took away from this film is that only you can change your future.  Will you do it.  Will you live for every moment?


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